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主題 : 關於PayPal線上購物 (Expanded Use Number )
1魚 離線
級別: 資深-會員

UID: 2
精華: 19
發帖: 27284
漁樂幣: 4329061 元
威望: 57085 點
貢獻值: 1133 點
娛樂金幣: 1000 元
在線時間: 39048(時)
註冊時間: 2005-05-22
最後登錄: 2024-05-23
樓主  發表於: 2006-04-28   

關於PayPal線上購物 (Expanded Use Number )


主旨: Enter your Expanded Use Number

Dear xxx xxx xxx,

This is a reminder that we need you to enter your Expanded Use Number.

Your unique Expanded Use Number was sent to your credit card ending in xxxx on Apr. 27, 2006.

Until you enter your Expanded Use Number, you may be limited in the amount of money you are able to send. To find out how much you can send before entering your Expanded Use Number:

1. Log in to your PayPal account. After you have entered your Expanded Use number, your enrollment will be complete, and you will be one step closer to becoming Verified. Once you are Verified, your sending and withdrawal limits will be lifted. View your remaining steps to complete the Verification program: As you requested, the PayPal Expanded use Number has just been sent to your credit card. If your card issuer enables you to check your credit card statement online, your Expanded Use Number will be displayed on it in 2-4 working days. Else, you can wait for the hard copy of the statement to be mailed to you by the card issuer.* Once you retrieve your Expanded Use Number, all you have to do is complete the verification process of your PayPal account: click the below link and insert the 4 digits of your Expanded Use Number in the corresponding field:
https://www.paypal.com/it/MEM-NUMBERHow to enter your Expanded Use Number

PayPal has charged a $1.95 USD Expanded Use Fee to your credit card. You can obtain and enter your Expanded Use Number by following the steps below:

1. In the item description section of your next credit card statement, your 4-digit Expanded Number will be printed next to the $1.95 USD PayPal Expanded Use Fee (example, PayPal 1234*(EXPUSE)). Check your next statement to find your unique Expanded Use Number.
2. Go to https://www.paypal.com/MEM-NUMBER and type in your unique Expanded Use Number.If you access your credit card statement online, it may take up to 4 business days for your Expanded Use Number to appear. If you don't have online access to your credit card statement, please wait for your printed statement to arrive in the mail.*

After you have entered your Expanded Use Number, your enrollment will be complete.

Thank you for using PayPal!
The PayPal Team

* PayPal strongly discourages users from calling their credit card companies in order to obtain their PayPal Expanded Use Number before receiving their monthly statements in the mail. If PayPal receives a complaint from Visa, MasterCard, or your card issuer regarding your account, your PayPal account may be permanently closed.


NEVER give your password to anyone, including PayPal employees. Protect yourself against fraudulent websites by opening a new web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer or Netscape) and typing in the PayPal URL every time you log in to your account.


Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account and choose the Help link located in the top right corner of any PayPal page.

To receive email notifications in plain text instead of HTML, update your preferences here.

PayPal Email ID xxxxx

後來到處了解,才知道原來PayPal可能為了多一道安全保障功能,要先扣您1.9美元,來證實信用咭的真偽,才把授權密碼寄送至發咭銀行帳單,當您查閱該筆1.9美元消費的紀錄旁邊,會顯示4個數字,這4個數字是授權碼,要把這個授權碼重新登入 PayPal 網站確認,才會退還給您1.9美元.....










1魚 離線
級別: 資深-會員

UID: 2
精華: 19
發帖: 27284
漁樂幣: 4329061 元
威望: 57085 點
貢獻值: 1133 點
娛樂金幣: 1000 元
在線時間: 39048(時)
註冊時間: 2005-05-22
最後登錄: 2024-05-23
4樓  發表於: 2006-05-13   
引用第3樓筏仔2006-05-13 13:01發表的“”:
我以前收過一篇由類似[email protected]寄出的電郵
叫我去佢個link site度update資料


筏仔 離線
級別: 尊貴會員

UID: 274
精華: 0
發帖: 2443
漁樂幣: 1589898 元
威望: 3645 點
貢獻值: 524 點
娛樂金幣: 500 元
在線時間: 2474(時)
註冊時間: 2005-08-05
最後登錄: 2015-03-04
3樓  發表於: 2006-05-13   
我以前收過一篇由類似[email protected]寄出的電郵
叫我去佢個link site度update資料
小堡 離線
級別: 尊貴會員

UID: 871
精華: 0
發帖: 4739
漁樂幣: 1228664 元
威望: 7700 點
貢獻值: 510 點
娛樂金幣: 500 元
在線時間: 13694(時)
註冊時間: 2006-01-08
最後登錄: 2013-11-28
2樓  發表於: 2006-05-13   
鱼子酱 離線
級別: VIP會員

UID: 650
精華: 1
發帖: 6315
漁樂幣: 273953 元
威望: 2851 點
貢獻值: 58 點
娛樂金幣: 0 元
在線時間: 1928(時)
註冊時間: 2005-11-14
最後登錄: 2007-09-26
1樓  發表於: 2006-05-13   

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