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主題 : Want to know why u r working so hard?
犬齒鮪 離線
級別: 尊貴會員

UID: 12
精華: 11
發帖: 28454
漁樂幣: 1269293 元
威望: 21270 點
貢獻值: 351 點
娛樂金幣: 0 元
在線時間: 4846(時)
註冊時間: 2005-05-24
最後登錄: 2011-07-08
樓主  發表於: 2005-08-25   

Want to know why u r working so hard?

>Want to know why u r working so hard?
>(An interesting & meaning story for u)
>On the very first day of the world, God created the cow.He said to the cow:
>"Ah Gu (cow), today I have created you!
>Your job is to go to the field with the farmer all day long.You will
>the energy to pull things!
>You will also provide milk for people to drink!
>You are to work all day under the sun! In return, you will only eat grass.
>For that, you will have a life span of 50 years."
>Ah Gu objected.
>"What.. I work all day in the sun and I get only to eat grass!
>On top of that, I have to give my milk away!
>This is tough and you want me to live 50 years! I'll take 20 and you can
>have the remaining 30 years back!" God agreed.
>On the next day, God created the dog.
>He said to the dog.
>"Ah Kow (dog), I have created you for a purpose.
>You are to sit all day by the door of your master's house!
>Should anyone come in, you are to bark at them!
>In return, you will eat your master's leftovers.
>I'll give you a life span of 20 years."
>Ah Kow objected.
>" What!
>I have to sit by the door all day and will need to bark at people, and what
>do I get...LEFTOVERS...
>This isn't right, I'll take 10 and you can have the remaining 10 years
>God agreed again.
>On the third day, God created the monkey.
>He said to the monkey.
>"Lao Kao (monkey), your job is to entertain people.
>You will make them laugh, act stupid and make faces!
>You will also do somersaults and swing on trees to amaze them.
>In return, you will get to eat bananas and peanuts.
>For that, I'll give you 20 years to live."
>Naturally the monkey objected.
>"This is ridiculous,
>I gotta make faces and make people laugh let not even come to the part
>the trees and somersaults.
>Tell you what, I'll give 10 years of my life to thank you for my existence
>and I'll take 10.
>What do you think?"
>God agreed again.
>On the forth day, God created humans.
>God said to the man.
>"You are my best piece of work, for that, you will only need to sleep, eat,
>sleep, play, eat, sleep again and do nothing else.You will get to eat all
>the best things and play with the best toys.
>All you need to do is enjoy all your life.
>For this kind of life, I'll give you 20 years."
>Just like the rest, the man objected.
>"What, all I need to do is relax and enjoy myself and I have only 20 years
>to live?
>Tell you what, you've 30 years back from Ah Gu, 10 years from Ah Kow and
>another 10 from Lao Kao and you probably don't know what to do with all
>those lifes. Why not I take them all and I'll have 70 years to live?" God
>being such good natured, agreed with a smile.....
>AND THAT IS WHY.....>We eat, sleep, play and enjoy for the first 20 years of our lives when we
>are growing up.
>Work like a cow for the next 30 to raise our family.
>Sit outside the door and bark at people for the next 10 when we are
>And finally, we make faces and perform monkey tricks to entertain our
>grandchildren for the final 10 years.
>GET IT?????










李好姨 離線
級別: 尊貴會員

UID: 270
精華: 2
發帖: 5819
漁樂幣: 1596644 元
威望: 7670 點
貢獻值: 917 點
娛樂金幣: 0 元
在線時間: 3311(時)
註冊時間: 2005-08-05
最後登錄: 2013-03-24
1樓  發表於: 2005-08-25   
Heard that before a long long time, it's really meaning.................

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